I think of this quote a lot because in life there are some times that we just don’t want to give things up. I mean just think about it, there are so many hard things to give up! I know for me, I have a really hard time giving up my sleep time, whole milk, sugar, my lazy time, soda pop, chocolate, having seconds at the dinner table, and many many other things. As hard as it might be to give up a little bit of sleep so I can get up and go running to have a good start of the day for me, it is so hard to get started.. After I get going I have so much fun and my day just goes by so much smoother and I feell healthy. I always ask myself, " why it was so hard to get up when I know that it is going to make me feel better?" or "why don’t I give up those fattening foods so that I can have those amazing six-pack abs?"
There are so many things in life that give us temporary happiness that if we would just learn to give them up then we could have more lasting and satisfying happiness. I guess that we just need to ask ourselves, “to be or not to be?” Do I want to be something? Am I willing to give up some little things so that I can become something a lot better?" My companion always tells me that, “you can’t do the same thing and expect different results.” That is so true! I am never going to achieve the things in my life that I want to if I don’t put more effort into it, and if I don’t give some of those things up that really don’t mean that much to me.
Well the best thing that I can come up with is to set goals! An apostle of the lord once said this,
I know that this is something that I can work on and if yall feell like maybe you should give something up for something better, go for it! Set some goals and let's all go out there and be something and not just talk about being. I know we can all do it if we just put our trust in God! The apostle Luke said, "For with God nothing shall be impossible." Now let us all go out and be!!
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