Friday, October 28, 2011

Home schooled and not that weird.

Ok, lots of people think that home schooled kids are very strange. Well we are just a little bit weird, but not really that much different than any other person out there. We do school work just like everyone else: Biology, Chemistry, Drama, English, Geography, Health, Keyboarding, Math, Music, Science, and all that other good stuff.

A lot of people think, "Oh well, those home schooled kids, they just get to sit at home all day and do nothing! They are so lucky doing nothing all day long!"

Well, let me tell you a little about home schooling. It is no joke; we could choose to do nothing all day but then we are choosing to get bad grades, just like anyone else who chooses to get bad grades, and, who wants to get bad grades? Just the people that don’t really have any goal for their lives, that don’t end up amounting to much. We have that choice just like anyone else in this world: to make bad or good decisions! I personally wanted to make something of myself. I did not want to waste my life away doing nothing.

The advantage of being home schooled is that we don’t have someone shoving things down our throats, things that we don’t want to learn. We can go in any direction that we want; for instance, I wanted to study the scriptures for an hour a day so that I could become closer to Christ, so guess what I did? I studied my scriptures for an hour a day! How cool is that!

We can also go at the pace that we want or need to. We don’t need to worry about getting left behind when we don’t understand something, we just work on it until we do understand the concept, then we can move on. That aspect of home schooling I love so much!

Don’t get me wrong, there are some down falls of home schooling, just as there are in being publicly educated. I did not have the chance to play all the sports that I wanted to, and I love sports. I wanted to play football so bad in high school but I could not because the schools said that you had to be enrolled in school to do that.   

Also, when you obtain a level of knowledge that exceeds your teacher, you can't get much help because she only has so much knowledge in different subjects. As a result you have to find different sources of knowledge somewhere other than your teacher, which can be very hard sometimes. 

Just as in home schooling, Mormons are thought to be a little bit weird. Guess what? We really are just normal people! We believe in Jesus Christ and His sacrifice for all mankind so that we might be saved and, in doing good to all men. We believe that God is all powerful, we believe that baptism is an important ordinance and essential to be saved in the kingdom of God. We believe that we need to have the pure love of Christ.

Christ gave us a commandment that "we need to love the lord thy God with all thy heart"...and he told us "to love thy neighbor as thyself"... (Matt.22:37-40). All of these things we have in common with other Christians. So really, we are not that weird after all.

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